
Work package 2 “Analysis and best practices” T2.1 Compilation – National reports on interviews

Within the framework of EU-CARES project 24 participants were involved in the one-on-one interviews during the initial research phase further followed by focus groups and round tables. In order to reach-out and bring young people’s voice to the heart of the project-preparation-phase, we have started with interviews of 3 highly motivated people for positive change in their society including youth, experts, migrants and diverse backgrounds within 7 project partner countries.

This report presented herewith is a joint work effort of partner organisations that come from Belgium, Italy, Poland, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The report is a compilation of 7 national reports wherein one-on-one interviews have been conducted in the partner countries. The findings of the research presented herewith provide a solid foundation for the continuation of activities of the EU-CARES project. The country reports are a summary of the interviews conducted in partner countries, hence reflecting the individual viewpoints of interviewed experts and youth workers.

Read the full report on interviews here.

© EU-CARES European Collective narratives for reconciliation trauma healing through youth engagement and storytelling has been co-funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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