
EU-CARES project consortium has implemented an international training course for youth workers on using storytelling techniques to help young people understand trauma and explore resilient community building. The international training course was based on a cooperative learning approach in order to promote a flexible and productive exchange of best practices and experiences. Overall objectives of the training course were:

  • define collective trauma, post-conflict reconciliation and human rights;
  • analyse collective trauma speeches and behaviours;
  • recognize a manifest or latent intergroup conflict to prevent new violence;
  • identify key dividers and connectors between young people from the different countries;
  • assess how youth workers can support reconciliation through storytelling, collective memory and mutual understanding of shared history;
  • explore storytelling techniques and tools;
  • testing of the e-Toolkit.

EU-CARES international training course implemented between 1-6 February 2024 in Palermo has brought together 35 highly motivated young people, activists, youth workers, storytellers and experts on innovative storytelling methods for reconciliation from Bosnia, Belgium, Italy, Albania, Serbia, Poland and Montenegro. As the main result of the training please stay tuned for the final publication of the e-Toolkit with Operational Curriculum on our website. For more insights please find our newsletter.

© EU-CARES European Collective narratives for reconciliation trauma healing through youth engagement and storytelling has been co-funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
© EU CARES 2023. All rights reserved.
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''We are all stories catalogue'' is a collection of creative works produced by young participants during the storytelling workshops held in Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Poland and Serbia as a part of the EU-CARES project.

These workshops encouraged youth to explore the themes of trauma, reconciliation and healing using various artistic mediums and storytelling techniques from the previously developed eToolkit. The resulting collection showcases the power of storytelling to heal, reconcile and inspire a positive future for inclusive societies.

It contains:
• 2 tales crafted from collected narratives, transforming discriminatory and distorted perspectives into stories with positive morals,
• 2 podcasts on Western Balkans’ collective trauma, reconciliation and healing from the past,
• 1 photographic exhibition exploring themes of diversity, minority representation and cultural differences,
• 2 podcasts detailing the refugee journey to the European Union,
• 1 animated video highlighting the experience of belonging to disadvantaged groups.

We hereby extend our gratitude to all young people who participated and co-created these amazing and inspirational pieces of art.