
Storytelling is a powerful and ancient human tradition that involves the art of conveying narratives, experiences, and ideas through the use of words, images, theatre, or other forms of communication.

The EU-CARES project aims to address collective trauma and support reconciliation processes among young people from war-affected countries through storytelling techniques fostering active participation, constructive dialogue and critical thinking. The recognition of different narratives and the creation of new collective ones as a holistic method for fostering youth engagement, especially among displaced youth, will raise the capacity of youth CSOs to mainstream peace-building best practices.

In the context of reconciliation and collective trauma healing, storytelling is a tool for giving voices to the silenced, acknowledging the pain of the past, and working towards healing and reconciliation. By sharing the most intimate individual stories, persons and communities affected by collective trauma can move from a place of suffering and vision towards one of understanding, empathy, and collective healing. It’s a crucial step on the path to building more resilient, compassionate and inclusive societies.

The interactive Virtual Handbook is a result of numerous activities, research, interviews, analysis, collections of best practices, round-tables and Think Tank events that were successfully implemented by partners in Belgium, Italy, Poland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Albania which gathered 304 young people directly for consultations and contribution to content creation.

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© EU-CARES European Collective narratives for reconciliation trauma healing through youth engagement and storytelling has been co-funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
© EU CARES 2023. All rights reserved.
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